A New Chapter

Hello there and welcome to 'Broadcast Dreams,' a blog which aims to document my journey as a university student with a desire to work in the broadcasting industry to (hopefully) a career in either television or radio.

As we move into the summer of 2017, I have finished my second year at university studying Television and Broadcasting, a very challenging yet incredibly exciting experience to say the least. Thanks to my course and enthusiastic lecturers, I got the opportunity to build upon my existing knowledge from my first year, as well as develop my skills in script writing, video editing, sound recording and floor managing. However, alongside all of my university and personal projects, I have also been preparing for my next big challenge - a work placement year.

The production crew behind one of this years' live shows on CCI TV - PortsWOOF

Like other universities, my course offers the chance to undertake a year-long placement between the second and third years. This may be in the form of either an industry placement working with a professional company, or a self-employed placement, in which you are required to set up and manage your own business. Of course, it should be mentioned that this is optional and therefore, not all students will do a placement year. Nonetheless, it is greatly advised due to the benefits of having such an experience on your CV and, from what I've heard so far, 99% of students that finish a placement say that it was definitely worth it.

For these reasons, since first year, the thought of a placement year has always appealed to me and since September, I have been applying for various different positions within companies such as NBC Universal, Disney and IMG. However, it wasn't until May that I finally decided that, for my placement year, I would run my own business under the company name of TotallyMedia.

The TotallyMedia brand is something I have been building in my spare time for quite a while now through making YouTube videos, radio shows and my own website. Therefore, it occurred to me that a placement year would be the perfect opportunity to dedicate my time to this idea and see how far I could take it.

So, for the past week, I have been making preparations to begin work in September including organising my various email accounts (which took the best part of 3 hours), ordering new equipment and setting up this blog as a way of recording my progress throughout the process. Honestly, I am quite nervous about how things will turn out and today, I even admitted to someone, 'I have no idea what I'm doing.' However, I hope you enjoy reading about my 'adventures' over the course of the year and that you may learn from the various challenges I face along the way.
